1. Grundlæggende opvarmningsmetode
2. Temperaturstyringsprincip
are generally equipped with temperature control systems. This system mainly consists of temperature sensors, controllers, and contactors. The temperature sensor is installed in a suitable position inside the water tank or pipeline for real-time monitoring of water temperature. When the water temperature is lower than the set temperature, the temperature sensor feeds back the signal to the controller. After processing, the controller will send a signal to close the contactor, allowing the current to start heating through the heating element. Når vandtemperaturen når eller overstiger den indstillede temperatur, sender temperaturføleren signalet tilbage til regulatoren igen, og regulatoren sender et signal om at afbryde kontaktoren og stoppe opvarmningen. This can control the water temperature within a certain range.
In some water tank heating systems with circulation pipelines, there is also the participation of circulation pumps. The circulation pump promotes the circulation of water between the water tank and the pipeline. Det opvarmede vand cirkuleres tilbage til vandtanken gennem rør og blandes med uopvarmet vand, hvorved temperaturen i hele vandtanken gradvist øges ensartet. Denne cirkulerende opvarmningsmetode kan effektivt undgå situationer, hvor den lokale vandtemperatur i vandtanken er for høj eller for lav, hvilket forbedrer opvarmningseffektiviteten og vandtemperaturens konsistens.
Indlægstid: 31. oktober 2024